četrtek, 21. julij 2016

Fresh start

And here I am after a long time. I guess I am not really that consistent with this blog. But in the end, this was just to put down some of my photos and reflections without thinking a lot on how this could evolve through time. 

Back to my story, actually, a lot happened to me in these years, from breaking up from a long relationship to filming my first short movie (soon more info), and at the end growing up internally. I think these last two years I managed to get on a positive track and my self-esteem got better as well. After realizing that I was not good enough for someone else I really wanted to put all of my efforts into becoming the best version of myself. So that's how I got a steady job, bought a car and slowly for the first time in my life I had a sense of stability. I learned to focus more on investing in myself wich in the long term will help me a lot in my carrier. 
Bottom line I think everyone needs to stop once through his lifetime and start thinking about himself and how to become the best version possible of themselves, put time and effort in learning new things, be confident and think what you really want to achieve. For some people, this could seem selfish, but I think if you can't help yourself you can't really know how to help others. 

Improve, grow, achieve and in the end influence the others in a positive way. Be someone who others can follow.

Me at Stogi beach Poland

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